So I am going nuts! Psych class, we are talking about the conditioned stimulus, unconditioned stimulus and have problems that look like this. CS/CS+US=conditioning or no conditioning. Aggghh, I know I want to be smart, but maybe being smart has it's drawbacks. I can't even understand myself! So I thought after almost 3 hours of studying I would do something no brainer---play with photoshop. Actually it is no-brainer b/c I have no idea what I am doing. Wish I did though! So just tell me what the thoughts are on my pic.
The first is the original and the teal is the photoshop version!
So I know it is not all that fabulous or anything but I just wanted to play. I really don't know much else to do! So any tips would be greatly appreciated!
Nite---well back to studying that is!