Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Going Crazy with Stimulus!!!

So I am going nuts! Psych class, we are talking about the conditioned stimulus, unconditioned stimulus and have problems that look like this. CS/CS+US=conditioning or no conditioning. Aggghh, I know I want to be smart, but maybe being smart has it's drawbacks. I can't even understand myself! So I thought after almost 3 hours of studying I would do something no brainer---play with photoshop. Actually it is no-brainer b/c I have no idea what I am doing. Wish I did though! So just tell me what the thoughts are on my pic.

The first is the original and the teal is the photoshop version!

So I know it is not all that fabulous or anything but I just wanted to play. I really don't know much else to do! So any tips would be greatly appreciated!

Nite---well back to studying that is!



Karla Dudley said... DID you do that? How did you get it blue like that? It looks really cool! Honestly you did good with this photo considering it is a VERY hard one to do anything with. It is much easier to alter a photo that's good to begin with. ( I mean this in a nice way :) So considering that you did good.

It looks like you did some acid type effect. I know you can change the color of things alone by using quick layer masks.

Great job Josh -Karla

annie said...

You two are having so much fun with your new camera and computer!
Great job in school!
We're so proud of you!
Take time to play this weekend!